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8 scrum metrics to measure the effectiveness of your Agile team.png
January 31, 2021

8 scrum metrics to measure the effectiveness of your team

Scrum, an agile methodology, uses time-boxed sprints to organize projects. Time-boxing simply means that the sprint has a fixed time in which the team must complete the sprint. Each sprint typically lasts from one to four weeks. When operating within the scrum framework the software development team uses scrum events to manage iterations and control the process.

Minimum Viable Products examples and how to implement them.png
January 31, 2021

Minimum Viable Products examples and how to implement them

Minimum viable products (MVPs) are small, working increments of the new product or service a business wants to provide, and they are helpful when studying the market. It’s the most basic, yet still functioning, action that can show the customer what the product or service is offering. An MVP is minimal, meaning there are no extra features, and it’s viable, which means it can work as is.

Differences between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS: The ultimate guide.png
January 29, 2021

Differences between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS

Software development principles you should know about.jpeg
January 11, 2021

Software development principles you should know about

4 Types of System Integration Methods.jpeg
January 11, 2021

4 Types of System Integration methods

The purposes of system integration vary from company to company, but the main focus tends to be decreasing labor time and costs, increasing productivity, simplifying data transferal between departments, and processing raw data. The system integrator is the person or company that handles the integration process. They create the framework for the integration, develop the translation method between the systems, and maintain connectivity.

Software development project planning in Agile.png
January 04, 2021

Software development project planning in Agile

The importance of Backlog Grooming in Agile.jpeg
December 21, 2020

The importance of Backlog Grooming in Agile

Backlog grooming is when the developers analyze and prioritize the tasks to be completed in the next ‘sprint’, or working period. During this process, the team removes tasks, breaks down large items into smaller units, and provides more details for each item. This is done so that the next sprint planning meeting is clear, concise, and time-efficient. The end goal of backlog grooming is to have a detailed and prioritized list of the next user stories the team will work on. The length of these meetings varies, depending on the size of the backlog.

What is bespoke software? What are the pros and cons?.jpeg
December 11, 2020

What is bespoke software? What are the pros and cons?

The Waterfall model: Advantages and disadvantages.jpeg
December 09, 2020

The Waterfall model: Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Agile development.jpeg
December 04, 2020

Advantages of Agile development